Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Laurino: a great liquor to drink at the end of a great meal!

A few weeks ago, during some gardening I had to cut some branches of an old laurus nobilis tree I have in my garden and since I collect several leaves, I said to myself: why not preparing a good liquor?? So I started to...
If you look at the chemical composition of the essential oil of laurus nobilis, the main compounds identified are: 1,8-cineole, trans-sabinene hydrate, α-terpinylacetate , methyleugenol , sabinene, eugenol and α-pinene. Of course the amount of these components depends on the time in which you harvest the leaves and the time in which I picked the leaves was not the perfect time to have the maximum concentration of these compounds, by the way, it is good to try and at the end the result was fantastic. Here I leave you the recipe:
1 L of 95° alcohol
50 leaves of laurus nobilis
1,5 L of water
250 g of sugar
Put the leaves in alcohol and keep them out of light in a dry place for 10 days. After dissolve the sugar in water and add this solution to the alcoholic extract, filter and put in bottles. Start drinking "cold" after 10 days. When I say "cold". I say you should keep the bottle in the freezer!

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